Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ok, another WTF question. I have some friends that work at a locat gas station so I decide to stop by tonight on my way home from work. We were talking and one of them tells me they had to get new money bags for the bank drop at the end of the night. As I have hung out there for countless hours I knew the old ones were kinda ratty so it didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was the fact that they had to pay 45 bucks a bag to get them. Now this particular gas station deals with First Community Bank. Here they are depositing their money into the bank and getting charged 45 bucks per bag for the bags they need to do it. You would think that the bank would give them out, now I know the bags cost money but shouldn't that be included in the money they are making off the account? So it is for this reason that I ask WHAT THE FUCK?

For now I'm out.

As always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me

The Ramblin Hillbilly


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