Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ok The Ramblin Hillbilly is so excited I can hardly type. I had my date tonight and it went wonderful. We had a great time, after dinner at Applebees was the movie. Now first off with the exception of one other guy we had the place all to ourselves. I can't begin to explain the feeling I was experiencing being the guy on a date and not the lonely guy at the flick all by himself. Not only that but I finally got to do the old movie thing and yawn while putting my arm around the girl(I have always wanted to do that) and holding hands, I know I sound like a teenage kid that just fell in love for the first time but I can't help it. It was the simple things like holding hands and walking through the mall or holding my arm around her while her head rests on my shoulder during the movie was what I had been longing for for so long.

I know it is only the first of hopefully many dates but I had such a great time and it is all thanks to God. I prayed not too long for God to send me someone and this could be it. We had so much in common it was freaky. She nor I either one drink, we enjoy the same kinds of music, the same outdoorsy activities but what really convinced me that this was Heaven sent was the fact that both of our Grandfathers are deacons in church. Now I know that it may not seem like anything to anyone else but after the evening I just had it is like a giant lit up bilboard, "Hey dummy, Don't screw this up".

This was a wonderful evening and another date is alrealdy in the planning stage so while we are off to a good start continuing hopes and prayers are deeply appreciated(Thanks Red)

As Always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me

The Ramblin Hillbilly


Blogger Mrs. S. said...

Your very welcome, sweetie! I'm glad everything went well!

You, of course, have my continued support and prayers!

11:02 PM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Hey Bill, that's great news!

I'm really happy for you!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

Ok, I may be stretching a bit, but can I assume that your lack of posting is because you're too busy with your new Lady?

12:00 PM  

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