Sunday, April 30, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
It's not often that I am in as high spirits as I am right now. I only get like this when I find out that someone that has screwed me over is getting what they deserve. I'm setting in my buddies shop today around 10 this morning and who do I see walk in the door but one of my former coworkers with a security company I used to work for. While we are setting here talking the conversation turns to this security company and current events within. It turns out that the individual(who I wouldn't piss on if he were on fire) is loosing quite a few of his contracts and his employees. It also seems that his main contract is about to expire and not be renewed and with summer coming up and the schools closing down it's going to be slim pickings for you and your 2 dykes that you keep in such high regard for no apparent reason. The Ramblin Hillbilly hopes you go bankrupt, loose your truck and your house and anything else you hold dear in your life. My dislike of the individuals in the command structure, if you could call it that extends to the point that I believe that they should stop what they are doing and go jump off a cliff. That is how bad they screwed me over and as soon as my confidentiality statment is over the favor is going to be returned tust me you gray headed old prick you will get what's coming to you. And just for legal purposes this is not a threat in anyway and should it be taken that way I refuse to be held responisble. Now that is out of the way,
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Strange people. I thought I had met most types but today at my buddies store I met the West Virginia version of Larry the cable guy. I swear I was just waiting for this guy to say Git er Done, I would have lost it. I would have been rolling on the floor, this guy even looked the part except for being a bit shorter than Larry. He and his son came in to look around because they had not been in the store before and ended up staying for about 2 hours. I was sitting behind the counter when I noaticed his teenage son staring and drooling at my bow, I didn't want the kid to make a fool of himself so I offered to let him shoot it. You should have seen the look on this kids face when he heard me, I think I made a friend for life. So anyway the kid slaps on a release and shoots a few arrows and on the third one I heard him smack an arrow, at this point I cringe because I shoot 120.00$ a dozen arrows. At this point I'm feeling a bit like an ass so I step in the back and grab a buddies arrows,(he doesn't have the storage area for his bow and arrows so he leaves them at the shop) and my elcheapos. My buddy Phil whos arrows I grabbed has just gotten into archery not too long ago and he's pretty decent but he has a habbit of getting cocky at times, especially when he makes a good shot. So we shoot his arrows into the target and then start knock hunting, needless to say things went flying and they were not part of my arrows so ole Phil might be a bit upset in the morning, oh well that will teache him not to get cocky in the company of better archers. Not to sound cocky myself but hopefully one day I will have the right to brag but I am decent and definatley better that he is:) Oh well I am done for the night.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
"Headline" Iran threatens to hide nuke program if west takes any harsh action. The Ramblin Hillbilly sees a few things wrong with this. Ok, 1 we have satellites that can spot a fly humping a camel and your going to hide a nuke plant? Number 2 we already have nukes, 3 you fuck with us and we can push 1 button and end your entire miserable existance in that God forsaken sandbox you call home. Number 4 our military is stronger and better equipped than you are so incase a few dune coons survive we ride in and wipe up. I'm sure good ole Stormin Norman would come out of retirement just to fire a missle up your ass. I get so sick and tired of hearing about Iran trying to flex it's muscles, give it up you are a poodle in a ring full of pitt bulls. I know one things forsure if it were up to me Iraq, Iran, France, Russia and all the other bleeding heart commies out there would have already been nuked. God help us all if I ever become president.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The Ramblin Hillbilly went to his second 3D archery shoot today. Yeah that's right I went and shot against the pros, and how did I stack up? I sucked ass! About the 5th target I hung my bow on a limb to go pull my arrows out of the target and it fell off and hit the ground and my day went all to shit from there. When it fell my sights got nocked out of place and boy was I pissed. I was pissed for about the next 20 or so targets and I was hitting a 5 out of a possible 12. I suppose I should be thankful I was even hitting the target but I know I should be shooting better than that, I should be shooting 8's and 10's. I'm a damn better shot than that! But there's always the next time I suppose and I guarantee I will be right by then and I damn sure won't be hanging my bow on any more limbs.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I live out in the country but I am often not home at night. Most of the time I am out town or at the fire department, or somewhere inside. Well as I was getting out of my Jeep tonight I stopped and took a second to look up at the stars. My house is in the middle of a clearing of trees so i have an unobstructed view of the sky. Well right as I happened to look up what should I see but a shooting star. But this was not an ordinary shooting star way up in the sky but it was only a hundred or so feet above my head, I have never seen one that close. After the amazment wore off I sat asd stared and the skies for another 15 minures just appreciating the simple beauty of it all. It was very relaxing and something I plan to do quite often from now on.
Night All
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Night All
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Ok I'm not too crazy about mexicans as you all know but I'm watching Carlos Mencia and this guy is hilarious. I swear he cracks on everything but he cracks on mexicans more than anything. I was about half way through the show and I'm already laughing so hard I've damn near pissed my pants and then he goes into interviews on how people discipline their kids. Most of the people interviewed said time out, when he was asked if his mother ever put him in time out he replied"hell yeah I got put in time out alot, my mom would hit me so hard I would pass out for 2 days I'd call that a time out". I had to run to the bathroom at this point I was laughing so hard, that reminded me so much of my mom. My time outs were getting busted upside my head and I would either pass out or not wanna do anything untill the splitting headache went away. But anyway I'm tired and nothing has pissed me off so I don't have anything to ramble about so I'm off to bed. Night all
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ok, sorry about the lack of posts for the past couple of days. I have been running my ass off. I was on my way home last night and guess what? That's right 3 ambulances and 4 cops go fluing by. At this poing the blood gets pumping and I dart around traffic, anyway it turned out to be a bad wreck and it had traffic backed up for like a mile so I got to drive for like a mile on the wrong side of the road. Well we got everything done and everybody shipped off to the hospital so all in all we did a good job. I got a couple pics taken at the scene in my bunker pants so hopefully I'll have those in a couple days so I can get some new pics up. Gotta go now time for more level one classes.
As always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just thought I'd post a few pics of my old jeep. I got into a minor argument with a really big tree. I told it to move and it didn't and before you ask, yes I won the argument. I hit this tree head first as you you can see going between 55 and 60mph. The tree moved!!! It was one of those situations where I had been awake for about 3 days working and finally got to go home. I remember thinking I should pull over and wake up but then I remember thinking no I'm only a few miles from home and I can make it. Wrong!!!!! I remember coming up over the hill and taking out the road sign and then I remember waking up really sore. I had the cruise control set probably colser to 60mph. Well I roll my window down and climb out like the Dukes of Hazzard and get on the phone to the local 911. Within 5 minutes the Athens volunteer fire department,where I am now a member, was on scene and this was somewhere around 3 or 4 in the morning. I remember the cheif showing up and looking me over and having me sign the waiver stating that I didn't want to go to the hospital and the next thing that I remember was waking up at home some time the next day. I have no doubt it was the hand of God that spared my life on that occasion. When I think of the many occasions where I should have died I know that I am blessed.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Monday, April 10, 2006
Ok guess what? Another post on ILLEGALS. Your right The Ramblin Hillbilly doesn't like ILLEGALS, and I darn sure don't want them here. Does ILLEGAL not mean anything anymore? They come here and work like dogs and they get kudos for that but they don't pay a dime in taxes!!! I support the wall and I support the bill that's in congress right now to make it a felony to help them cross he border and for them to be here. Right now it is just a civil violation. WTF????? Why even have a border if we are not going to enforce it? This scum is being allowed to cross the border and ILLEGALLY and then they want to complain because they are not getting the same treatment as citizens. Go back to the God forsaken piss hole you came from and then enter the country the legal way. They are also being allowed to assemble in large masses, up in the hundreds of thousands and are we doing anything about it? NO!!!! We are not doing a thing because of the bleeding heart, tree hugging, fag loving un American liberals in congress. Thank God there are a few God fearing conservatives that want them out of this country aswell. Next thing you know they are going to be wanting drivers liscenses and the right to vote and if we don't watch it and come up with a solution like the big wall lined with constantine wire and guard towers with 60's every 20 yards or so and a mine field about 100 yards wide spannig the border we are going to be taken over. Think about it, most of the mexicans in this country are male. Most of those are military age and how many of those do you think have guns? All it's going to take is to get a few more of them over here and something to set them off and we are going to be over run. They are going to kill us and take our land and with a good portion of the military deployed overseas we are going to be SOL. Sure the army will come back as soon as they find out what is going on but how many American lives will be lost in the process? We need to stand tall and stick to our guns and send the scum back to their God forsaken piss hole of a country. If the feces were to ever hit the rotating oscilator i don't believe it will splatter this far away from the border but I know one thing if it does they are going to pay Hell getting me out of my hole. I have plenty of food water and ammo and some nifty little gadgets that will make life hard for any opposing force. Yes I know i'm ranting and yes I also know that I am paranoid but in any of the apolocyptic movies who survives? The paranoid gun nut that's who. That's right The Ramblin Hillbilly will survive and will give them hell for any inch of ground they gain. Open your eyes people it's coming and it's not far off if we don't get our heads out of our rears we are going to have a hard future. That's all I'm done with my ramble for the day.
As Akways
Love me or hate me,You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Akways
Love me or hate me,You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Good news, my baby sister just went to a sbla coference with her high school in north carolina. In her division she took first place out of the entire state! Now she gets to go to the National conference june 29th thru july the second in nashville TN. She called me last night as I was leaving the scene of a bad car accident and I couldn't talk then but when I called her back I got the news. I couldn't be more proud. My baby sister was also nominated for entry into the National Association of High School Scholars!!! My baby sister is one of the smartest kids in the nation!!!!! This is one of the coolest things ever and I could not be more proud.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Ok today was the first full day of level 1 and I am worn out. I learned alot of interesting things but putting on the bunker gear and the s c b a's over and over and over gets really tiresome really quick. But even though I'm worn out I had a blast. It really sucks that you had to miss this class RT. I would quit doing anthing for brogan other than what I had to do. But you may be able to go to morgantown this summer and take level 1.
Tonight's post is dedicated to the brave souls all over the world that run into burning buildings when all others are running out. To the ones that put their own lives on the line when they hear a small cry inside of a burning Hell. This one goes out to all the true Heroes who have given their lives to try to save another. May God bless and be with each and every Firefighter and their families, and should He in all of His infinate wisdom decide to take any of us out of this world during a fire know that we died doing what we love and pray that we saved that one little life so that our sacrifice was not in vain.
Night all
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Tonight's post is dedicated to the brave souls all over the world that run into burning buildings when all others are running out. To the ones that put their own lives on the line when they hear a small cry inside of a burning Hell. This one goes out to all the true Heroes who have given their lives to try to save another. May God bless and be with each and every Firefighter and their families, and should He in all of His infinate wisdom decide to take any of us out of this world during a fire know that we died doing what we love and pray that we saved that one little life so that our sacrifice was not in vain.
Night all
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Ok tomorow I start my fire fighter 1 classes. And the case of the missing bunker gear has been solved and it had better not walk away again. Oh yeah and aparently an ass is an ass no matter what it's on according to Jeff ''baby bear'' Renn. Strange things go on at the department but we are a family so it's all good and yes to answer the age old question yes a baby bear does shit in the woods! :D Night guys, will post more when something pisses me off in the morning.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Will there ever be an end to the seemingly endless abundance of stupid people? Here for the past week or so I have been running my friends new store for him while he has been put on day shift. Rase X-treme Outdoor Sports llc, this guy is the real life Mcgyver(and so help me you had all better know who Mcgyver is). Anyway we carry Forge bows, they are really nice I purchased the first new one myself. We have a bow rack hanging up on the wall with about 5 new bows on it and a big 3ft banner(black with gold lettering) that hangs right above it. Yesterday a guy comes in and looks at the bows, looks at the banner and guess what he asks?????? Yup he asked what kind of bows do you carry? At this point I'm thinking he can't read very well but then he picks up a bow book off the rack and starts asking me questions about the article. After I satisfied his curiosity about the article he walks over to the arrow stand. Now the arrow stand is probably 6ft in length and has 72 dozen arrows in it, all of which say Carbon Express. The arrow stand has an even bigger 5 ft banner hanging over it(black with white letters this time) and he does it again. "What kinda arrows ya got" exact words that come out of his mouth. Now at this point I'm thinking this has got to be a test so I decide to play along and proceed to tell him Carbon Express and explain the various benefits over other similar arrows. Atfter a detailed explination he says thanks and then heads for the door. It was at this point that I decided that he was a fucking IDIOT. Our open/closed sign has 2 sides, one says open and the other closed. Well he looks and sees the closed side facing inward and yes he said it. I'm sorry I didn't know you were closed I thought the sign said open. I had to explain to this genuinely confused dumbass that the one facing outside was the one that mattered not the one facing inside.
Somebody save me from the stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ranblin Hillbilly
Somebody save me from the stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ranblin Hillbilly
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Headline news. Berlin Germany replaces locks on NUKE plant!!!!!! After plant managers informed the German defense ministry that they had lost the keys to the entire plant they were promptly required to replace all 150 locks. Plant manager(insert really long ass german name here) was quoted as saying" I don't know how we are going to afford replacing all these locks we should just get new keys made". What the fuck? We shouldn't replace all the locks let's just leave all the doors wide open for anybody that wants to take a stroll inside. So there are stupid people everywhere, what a surprise. How do you loose an entire set of keys to a nuke plant? A damn NUKE PLANT? A car, your house or even your mail box but an NUKE PLANT?????? Well atleast germany has better control over their media than the US, if that would have happened over here talk about a shit storm. We would be at defcon 2 in the blink of an eye, the plant would be locked down and the full body cavity searches would begin, there would be local, state and federal police on scene looking for anybody in the plant who may have the slightest tie tothe middle east. Not to mention the military and department of energy personnel that would be on scene 24/7 guarding the place. The Germans went on with normal operations for almost a month before alerting the defense ministry and then wondered why they got so mad.
Had to post on that one.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Had to post on that one.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Monday, April 03, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
I've been reading about Iran and all their bullshit and quite frankly I'm more than a little disturbed. Just read on netscape a few minutes ago about their new torpedo that can supposedly travel 223 mph. That's pretty damn fast and I'd say that the odds are pretty good that it's capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The general in charge of this product is claiming that this thing is radar shielded and that we can't do a damn thing to protect ourselves which he claims gives Iran superiority on the sea. Ok dumbass it will take a lot more than one fast torpedo to whip the us navy, granted you may take out a warship or 2 but your ass will be handed to you. And God help us all if they decide to put a nuke on this thing. If and when that happens the B-52' are coming out of the hangars, they are going on a long ass flight to "dune coon"land and Iran is going to be turned into a glass parking lot. And you know what, when that happens we are gonna stroll in there and take your damn oil which we should have already done. Iran is also supposed to be in posession of a long range missle of upto 1200 miles I think which puts Israel in easy range and that scares me. I don't know how many of you believe in the Bible and the prophecy written out but I for one do. And when Israel is attacked look out! Israel don't take no shit and when they are attacked it is gonna hit the fan and I for one don't wanna be around when that happens.
The brass in washington are saying that Iran is just trying to show it's teeth because it is worried about the us presence in the region while they are trying to get their nuclear program off the ground. Now correct me if I'm wrong here but doesn't a dog usually show his teeth right before he bites????? Anyway I think they should be afraid, they should be very afraid!!!!! The United States has the best military in the world and if they were turned loose to people in the field instead of politicians setting on their collective asses no where near the action we would not be in the mess we are today. If we gave Stormin Norman Schwartzkoff command then may God have mercy on all who oppose us cause he didn't take no crap from nobody if you pissed him off he bombed your ass. Hell for that matter put Richard "dick" Marchenko, creator of seal team 6 in command. A man after my own heart, he and I are firm believers in the fact that there is no problem that can't be solved with the propper application of high explosives!
Irans president, like 98% of the damned arabs in the known world is named.............................. you guessed it mouhammad or however it's spelled says that the US will suffer dire consequences is we mess with their nuclear program but with Iran viewing the United States as it's arch foe wouldn't we suffer more if they achieved nuclear capability? I say(which is probably one of the reasons I'm not incharge) turn the middle east into a glass parking lot and take their damned oil. Oh well I'm done with my rant for now, it's 1:30 and I'm falling asleep at the computer.
So As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me!
The Ramblin Hillbilly
The brass in washington are saying that Iran is just trying to show it's teeth because it is worried about the us presence in the region while they are trying to get their nuclear program off the ground. Now correct me if I'm wrong here but doesn't a dog usually show his teeth right before he bites????? Anyway I think they should be afraid, they should be very afraid!!!!! The United States has the best military in the world and if they were turned loose to people in the field instead of politicians setting on their collective asses no where near the action we would not be in the mess we are today. If we gave Stormin Norman Schwartzkoff command then may God have mercy on all who oppose us cause he didn't take no crap from nobody if you pissed him off he bombed your ass. Hell for that matter put Richard "dick" Marchenko, creator of seal team 6 in command. A man after my own heart, he and I are firm believers in the fact that there is no problem that can't be solved with the propper application of high explosives!
Irans president, like 98% of the damned arabs in the known world is named.............................. you guessed it mouhammad or however it's spelled says that the US will suffer dire consequences is we mess with their nuclear program but with Iran viewing the United States as it's arch foe wouldn't we suffer more if they achieved nuclear capability? I say(which is probably one of the reasons I'm not incharge) turn the middle east into a glass parking lot and take their damned oil. Oh well I'm done with my rant for now, it's 1:30 and I'm falling asleep at the computer.
So As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me!
The Ramblin Hillbilly
Saturday, April 01, 2006
OK been away for a little over a day now cause my best friend had to go down to Charlotte NC for his sisters wedding so I got to house sit. So I was away from my internet and that was a pain in the ass but I'm back now. While I was there I tried to watch a movie which baffles me as to how it is so damn popular, Napoleon Dynamite. Now I don't totally trash movies very often but this movie is just pathetic, I watched less than half of it before I had to turn it off. The complete and utter stupidity of this movie is pathetic, it is stupid beyond funny.You know how some movies can be so stupid it's funny? Yeah this goes way beyond that I don't see how this movie is so damn popular. I guess there must be an abundance of stupid people out there,"as if I didn't already know that" this is just another thing that points that fact out. The actors, director, producers and any other person involved with the making of this movie along with the ignorant masses of fans recieve another award tonight (an idea I got from my buddy Ranger Tom but put my own little spin on it) you are all hereby bestowed with the Intellectual Ameoba Award for gross stupidity in the line of movie making. Stop what you are doing right now and go jump off a cliff and end this misery before you further infect the gene pool.
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me
The Ramblin Hillbilly