Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I have recently gained employment with US Sugar on the rail road. I have been setting in the class for a week now and finally got to go put some of the stuff I have learned into practice. I learned more today bleeding air off the cars and actually lining the switches for the crossover and actually riding on the engine and cars than I did the entire week in class. There is one guy in the class that I actually hope doesnt make it. Now I am the first one to admit that everyone, especially now needs a job but I wouldnt feel safe working with this guy. I dont know what will happen with the situation so I am not going to say anything more now but we will see.

As Always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me

The Ramblin Hillbilly

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ok the weekend is here already. I am finished with my first work week and I aced my first exam(only one in my class to do so). I am going to enjoy my job, I am starting out as a switchman for US Sugars rail road. Training is going to be a breeze although once the crop starts it is going to be balls to the wall for about 6 months without a day off. On the bright note there my wife and I will make close to 100 thousand dollars this year and that is before either of us get promoted, which will most likely be the case that will only go up. We wil see how it all goes.

As Always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me

The Ramblin Hillbilly

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well it is sunday night and I am preparing to go to bed as I start work again in the morning to the best career I have ever had the opportunity at. Thanks to a very good friend I am beginning work tomorrow for US Sugar on the rail road. This is not only the best paying job I have ever had but the opportunities for advancement and avaliable benefits and the learning experience makes this the best job I have ever had. I owe a big thanks to my good buddy Ranger Tom for finally talking this stubborn hillbilly into coming to southern Florida.

See ya in the morning RT.

As Always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me.

The Ramblin Hillbilly

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ok it has been a while since I have posted on here due to moving and the nightmare that has came along with that. I start my new job on the rail road Monday, training begins at 7:30 am. I have never been a morning person so this is going to be fun but for more than double my previous salary I will deal with it.

On to the next thing I got to go out on the Big O. Thats right the Big O. At 5:45 this morning my landlord is setting in the driveway waiting on me. Skip, my landlord has a really nice bass boat and since he did not have anybody to go with he snagged me and we went fishing out on lake Okachobee, the bass fishing capitol of the world. Although the trip kinda sucked because we played dodge the rainstorm all day we caught a few fish. A bit later in the day we were kinda close to the docks and a pisser of a rain storm came up real quick and we had to boogie to avoid getting drenched. So as we are going through the channel to the docks Skip just gets up and says "here drive" so I got to drive the bass boat while he stowed away the rods. As we are approaching the docks he hands me the keys to his f250 and says bring the trailer around and I will pull the boat on it. Now there is a tournament going on on the Big O today so the parking lot was packed, trucks, suvs and even a couple of cars with boat trailers attached. I had to display my impressive trailer backing skills, Now I am thankfull that I spent all that time learning to back a fire engine with the mirrors. We just did make it back under the car port to store and cover the boat before it really pissed down. All in all it wasnt the greatest day out on the water but I got to fish Okachobee. I love being so close to this lake, lots more fishing to do in the near future, although I may very well have completely regear my tackle and rethink the way I fish.

As Always

Love me or hate me, You will remember me

The Ramblin Hillbilly