Let me say that I am awestruck, This place is the epitome of efficiency. I talked to one of the plants foremen and here are a few facts I learned.
1.: Cost, It would take 1.2 Billion to replace should a natural disaster such as a tornado or earthquake tear it down.
2: It can load 14 trains with an average of 300 cars each in a 12 hour day.
3: This plant is capable of producing up to 24,000 tons an hour!!!
Above are a few of the big wigs overlooking the new 22 Million dollar belt line that runs almost a half mile long.
Now that all of that is said let me say that aside from the last 25 hour shift at the plant due to a machine that went from SNAFU to TARFU all the way to FUBAR while we were there and had to fix it was a generally enjoyable trip.
Ps. If I am wrong on any of the stated facts above please forward your complaints department, ATTN: Plant Foreman
As Always
Love me or hate me, You will remember me.
The Ramblin Hillbilly